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Podiatry is one of those services that we can very easily neglect. As our lives become increasingly busy, we often put a pause on looking after our own wellbeing, to make sure everything (or everyone) else is taken care of! However, Podiatry is a vital treatment which can help prevent and care for many conditions including arthritis, diabetes, lower limb functionality, nail and even skincare. The best part? Medicare can sometimes cover the costs of the entire treatment or provide partial rebate!
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Unfortunately, claiming Medicare rebates for podiatry is not always simple. But we want to help you get the assistance you need! As experienced podiatrists, we believe that it is our duty, to help our patients who battle with foot conditions day in day out, and therefore, we want to help clarify the Medicare rebate process in easy-to-understand terms.
Whilst it may seem a tad confusing at first, once we explain it, you’ll understand the method to the madness and receive the benefits which you are entitled to!
Can I Get a Medicare Rebate for Podiatry?
In short, YES you can! However, there are a few conditions which one must satisfy to be entitled to these benefits. A Medicare rebate for podiatry can be accessed through the Chronic Disease Management Program or CDP. This is also known as an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) or a Team Care Arrangement.
You can only get access to this rebate if you…
- Suffer from a chronic condition(s), simply put, if you have dealt with said condition for more than three months.
- You must have a proper referral from your GP, who must refer you to a specific Podiatry clinic (with any luck, that will be us, we would love to help!)
How Many Visits Will the Medicare CDM Rebate Cover?
The Chronic Disease Management Program warrants a total of up to five rebated consults to any referred allied health practitioner, per year. These allied health practitioners include podiatrists, dietetics, physiotherapy, chiropractic and exercise physiologists.
To put this in clearer terms for you… Your GP can, for instance, refer you to an Exercise Physiologist for one consultation, and four Podiatry consults. Each year, you are entitled to a total of five visits throughout the calendar year, however, you will have to visit your GP for a new referral each year. GPs can refer you to an allied health practitioner at any point of the year (not just calendar year), but only five can be claimed each calendar year.
How Much Does the Medicare Rebate Cover?
Presently (Nov 2019), the Medicare rebate covers $53.80 for each consultation, regardless of the specific service that you select.
Therefore, in the case of an initial consult or any successive appointments that you have been referred for, $53.80 will be covered for you by Medicare. However, in some cases, there might still be a small gap which will need to be paid out of pocket, as allied health professionals give you the best possible treatment.
Some of our podiatry clinics provide bulk billing services, whereas others, only allow the fully paid method. For more information contact us at 6269 2038 today to find our podiatrist closest to you!