Summer Activities for Perth Kids

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It’s SUMMER HOLIDAYS! They have been waiting all year for this, but after Christmas, budgets can be a little tighter, and that is totally expected. However, don’t let that affect how much fun your kids are able to have during their summer holidays! Perth is a vibrant hub for fun, summertime activities, and we want to let you in on our top favourites!

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The summer heat can make us all go a little bit loopy! Why not cool down with giant water slides, fun zones and workshops that will be sure to amaze the kids for hours on end! Best of all! This event is accessibility friendly for people who use wheelchairs, use walking sticks and prams, however it should be noted that the venue is grassed!

Where: Elizabeth Quay, The Esplanade, Perth

When: Event Showings, Every weekend 4 – 19 Jan | 10am – 4pm

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Perth Airport Viewing Platform

Is your child an aviation enthusiast or do they simply enjoy watching planes? Treat them with a trip to the Perth Airport Viewing platform, where they can watch aeroplanes arriving and departing on the main runway. Plus! If you enjoy photography, make sure to go closer to evening time or early morning to make the most of the visit.

Where: Dunreath Drive

When: Every day between 6.30am -7.00pm (Oct – March) and 7.30am- 5.30pm (Apr -Sep)

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Whether you’re a Perth local, or just passing through, you are bound to fall in love with the scenic views of our beautiful west coast! Grab the snorkels, beach cricket set, some shelter along with boogie boards and head to the beach for the afternoon.

Some of our favourite spots include, Mettams Pool, Waterman’s Beach and Cottesloe and Scarborough. Why not head further north and explore the beauty of Jurien Bay and Lancelin, where you can also go sandboarding and 4WD-ing!

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It’s that time of the year again, where magic fills the air and mermaids are found swimming in the streets of Perth! With a wide variety of shows ranging from magic and comedy to aerial acrobatics, Fringeworld is a summer favourite that is a sure hit amongst kids and parents alike! Be sure not to miss the fairy facepainting, circus or free crafternoons that they offer!

Where: The Woodside Pleasure Garden, Russel Square, James St &, Shenton St, Northbridge

When: 17 Jan – 16 Feb

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Kings Park

Grab your picnic basket, a few friends and make your way to Kings Park. Home to some of Perth’s best playgrounds, the kids will be exploring their day away! Break away from the city life and head to Rio Tinto Naturescape, where they soar to new heights while exploring The Bungarra and The Python, explore The Tangle and discover The Burrow or build the best cubby house in history! Get them back to nature and enjoying the great outdoors this summer. They will be sure to have an amazing afternoon!

*FYI, things may get a bit messy! Oh, the life of being a kid!

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We hope that this article gives you a few more ways to keep your little monkeys entertained this summer! If you have any suggestions please let us know what your favourite ways are to keep the kids busy in Perth over the summer holidays!
